Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Texas Size Storm

Typically there isn't a lake in our front yard!

Just over a week ago, a storm swept through our town in Texas. It wasn't a tornado, but what they consider a 'straightline'. Meaning the wind is just as strong, but all moving in the same direction. It left as fast as it came and we were left with water in our office and front entry. Even the closed, locked windows on the front of the house seeped water through them. 

(typically there isn't a river in our backyard either!)

The biggest loss, to the kids, was what we found in the backyard. The playset had been ripped from the ground, tearing through the 4x4 supports and tossed across the yard. Macy was the most saddened by the site, as she spends several hours a day on it. It didn't take long for her to proclaim that it was fine though, that now it was just a different playset, get her water clothes on, and summit the 'new' pile. 

What remains of our playset now lays in a heap in our driveway, waiting to be disposed. The kids... are finding plenty of pleasure on their bikes. Now we just need to decide if and when we want to invest in another item that might be destroyed by a Texas storm.  

Monday, May 11, 2009

We Love Mom

I've decided to "hack" Anna's blog account to post a few thoughts from Mother's Day.  Hopefully I won't embarrass her too badly.  

I asked the kids yesterday to think of some of the reasons they love their Mom so much - the specific question was, "Why is Mom so special to you?"

Asher:  "Because I know that she loves us ..."  Dad: "Well, how do you know?"  Asher: with a sheepish grin on his face ... "Because she gives us BIG, WARM snuggles every single night!"

Macy:  "Because she's so much fun..."  Dad: "What type of things are so fun about her?"  Macy: "Well, Dad you know..."  Dad: "Sure I do, but I want you to tell me yourself..."  Macy: [getting impatient] "Daaaaaaaad" [Pause - her fingers are busy tracing lines up my arm] "Oh ok - it's because she takes time to play so many games with me and do arts and crafts and all that stuff..."  

Sawyer:  [long thoughtful pause] "Dad - it makes me feel good that she doesn't go to work so she can spend time with us here at home."  I didn't see a need to follow-up on that one ...

I asked our fourth child, but all I heard were gurgles and gas bubbles.  

So there it was - in the mouth of my babes - they love their Mom because they see and feel, unconsciously, the amount of time she spends with them.  It's kind of like that cheesy commercial that every now and then pulls at your heartstrings or mists your eyes a bit ... "It's all about time."

I would never want to diminish any other mom out there, because I know there are many who are stellar lights for their families.  But ... I just want to brag on Anna a little bit, because she's a remarkable mother [and wife, but that's for another post].

Here's a few reasons why I think she's such a fantastic Mom (not in any particular order):
  1. She loves the Lord more than anything (or anyone) else - and because of that, she knows exactly what her priorities are - things like her role as a Mother, her commitment to her family, her willingness to serve others and care for them, etc.
  2. For those that know her well, Anna is a talented designer and has a real knack for ... how shall I say ... planning and organizing empty space into functional environments.  It reminds me of something I've heard somewhere - "see yonder is matter unorganized ..." Ok, anyway, she really could make some moolah if she chose to ... but she's chosen to set that aside for now and focus on being a Mom. 
  3. Anna's tough on our kids when they need it - she doesn't "cave" to their tantrums or emotional manipulation.  She follows the counsel to "show ... an increase in love" after an episode of admonishment or discipline, hence love is able to prevail in our home.
  4. Lastly - one of the things I love about Anna that will hopefully pass to our children - she's a realist with hope.  Over time, she has developed this wonderful ability to let the past be the past and devote her extraordinary gifts and talents to the "holy present" - thus her ability to confidently exclaim to me or the kids, "it is what it is - get over it and make the best of it..."  It is good, strong medicine for us.  It reminds me of a talk given by one of my theological and personal heroes, Neil A. Maxwell.  He commented as follows, "Thus, within our allotments we see how the saintly display kindness even within barbed-wire circumstances, yet others have barbed attitudes even within opulence. Meanwhile, the discontented continue to build their own pools of self-pity, some Olympic size."  That comes from a great talk of his titled "Content with the Things Allotted unto Us" ... you can read it in its entirety here: [http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-4-28,00.html]
Well, that's enough pontificating for now.  I'm so grateful for Anna and how committed she is to being a stellar Mom.  She's incredible - and a true blessing to our little family.  I love her dearly. 

And no, for those of you who thought it, I'm not writing this because I "forgot" about Mother's Day.  The kids and I had a lot of fun w/ her yesterday ... and you'll have to ask her about the peanut sauce.