Thursday, February 12, 2009

Backseat Ramblings

Never a dull moment when these two clowns are pinned by a strap to a seat with all doors closed en route to anywhere. The following are completely random comments coming from the back seat on a car trip today:

Asher (looking out the window, his favorite thing to do while traveling): Oh, there is a fake mom and dad.... (then silence)

Mom: What do you mean Asher?

Asher: Oh, you know, those things that people put in chairs in front of their houses that look like mom's and dad's.

Mom (thinking): No Asher, I don't know.

Asher: I just saw a flying cow bird!!!

Macy: Did you know that polar bears can fly too? They don't need wings, they just go really fast on the ice and then flap their arms, but people don't think that they can fly because they don't have wings. Sneaky huh?

Passing a field of cows and sheep. Asher: What do you think those animals names are?

Mom: Don't know, what do you think Asher?

Asher: Oh (matter of factly), there's Cowy (obviously looking at a cow), and Bully (observing a bull with horns), oh no that's not Bully, Mom. That's Horny because of his horns. Yeah, Horny!

At this point, I waited for the reaction from the two older siblings in the car and then let out a deep breath when there were no apparent giggles. Public School hasn't reached them there...yet!

Making a turn on a dirt road, I accelerated a little and spun the back of the SUV around.

Asher: Mom, you just dragged.

I didn't get the response I was looking for. Say like, "Mom, that was awesome!"

Mom: Hey, wasn't that pretty cool guys?

All three monkeys, very matter of factly: Oh when Dad does it, he goes all the way around.

BUSTED!!! I'll be sure to have a talk with 'dad' when he gets home!

After arriving at our destination, we headed back the same exciting route.

For the majority of the time in the car, the oldest, Sawyer, is sitting in the front seat next to me, quiet. Obviously pondering a question he had, he finally asked it.

Sawyer to Asher: How do you know what all the animals names are?

Mom (thinking): Really? Did that question really come from my 4th grade straight 'A' student? Really?

He is a very logical, black and white boy, but did he REALLY not know?

Macy (after passing a donut shop): I really wish that you could have a birthday party at a donut shop and they let you eat all the donuts you wanted. That would be SO fun!

Asher: Hmmmm....wonder where the fake mom and dad went...

I was moving slow enough that I could track his line of vision to the front of a red brick house...with two empty rocking chairs on a patio, kids playing in the front yard.

Mom: Maybe they went to make dinner... for their fake kids!


Thelma said...

This is funny. You have creative children! I especially love the fake people and Macy talking to the animals.

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

Hysterical!! SERIOUSLY!!! LOL!!! Oh and the spin out from the tires...Dave's in Troooouble!!

Pacefamily said...

OKay,so funny! Thanks for those laugh out louds!! I love hearing little things like that, and you recording them is going to make them even more precious when you go back and re-read them in years to come.... Your kids are darling!!

Susie said...

Your kids are hilarious! I love to hear the things kids say they crack me up with the things they come up with. Thanks for sharing your amazing, creative kids with us.

elizabeth said...

Hey Anna - I wish I had a tape recorder for the van... you have a great memory! I can never remember who said what when :)
Looks like life is great in Texas.
I'll check in on you again...
Elizabeth Raubach