Cavers was also given a special ride in a car. MQ thought that it was so funny that he didn't want to sit in his seat but rather ride on the door. And what a ride he got!!
I love cheap entertainment! On a more serious note, and mostly to my fellow Texans, how on earth do you keep these nasty creatures outdoors? Fortunately, I no longer scream when I see one, (kay, so I did scream when one was on my arm the other day, in front of MQ's second grade class during a picnic outside. The kids thought it was hilarious that I freaked out!), but I still REALLY don't like them in my home, and they love inviting themselves inside. Any ideas?
Another Note: My hubby returns tomorrow! We have missed him but filled the time with football and soccer games, karate, parties, Footloose, and life. It will be SO good to have him home again...for a week.
I love that my nine year old boy still enjoys playing in the sand with his siblings, even if he just finished feeding crickets to our turtles.
First year, MQ isn't a cat for Halloween. Now she is a witch with a black cat resting on her shoulder!