Sunday, October 19, 2008


When we arrived in Texas two years ago I had three children scared to death of any moving thing smaller than a kitten. Forward to the present day. MQ spent several hours outdoors this afternoon playing with her new pet, Cavers. Cavers is a cricket. He earned the name after successfully escaping a caved in sand tunnel, alive. The kids were very proud of the critter and thus he earned 'pet' status.

Cavers was also given a special ride in a car. MQ thought that it was so funny that he didn't want to sit in his seat but rather ride on the door. And what a ride he got!!

I love cheap entertainment! On a more serious note, and mostly to my fellow Texans, how on earth do you keep these nasty creatures outdoors? Fortunately, I no longer scream when I see one, (kay, so I did scream when one was on my arm the other day, in front of MQ's second grade class during a picnic outside. The kids thought it was hilarious that I freaked out!), but I still REALLY don't like them in my home, and they love inviting themselves inside. Any ideas?

Another Note: My hubby returns tomorrow! We have missed him but filled the time with football and soccer games, karate, parties, Footloose, and life. It will be SO good to have him home again...for a week.

I love that my nine year old boy still enjoys playing in the sand with his siblings, even if he just finished feeding crickets to our turtles.

First year, MQ isn't a cat for Halloween. Now she is a witch with a black cat resting on her shoulder!


Pacefamily said...

Oh Anna, I miss you and your cute babies!! Seeing your pictures today just made me re-realize that we live tooo far apart! BTW, my girls heard about the deal you have with your kids on getting all a's on their report cards and are asking me to pony up!! Did you have a $ maximum? I have no idea how to keep the crickets outside but we are working on spiders right now and would rather have your problem! Anyway, we miss you.

Susie said...

Love the story about cavers, scary and big though. I seeing how much your kids grow up so fast. I wish I had ideas for you in not having crickets in your house, but I don't. Thanks for sharing though.

Niki The Weav said...

Hey Anna! I found your blog on Rachels. Are you the photographer in all your pictures of your kids? They are so good, of course your kids are so cute so the pictures will turn out good no matter what but they are awsome pics.
As for the bugs, we use the cheap spray you buy in the store and spray ourselves. The first year it worked great but I think that was because Maggie couldn't open doors yet, but it still works pretty well for us. I think we just have to learn with them in Texas though. And I loved the pet cricket!