Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mixed Emotions

This is my baby...minus two teeth. They came out one right after another. The mixed emotions come from his mommy being sad about the end of an era while watching her youngest thrilled at the prospect of his first visit from the tooth fairy.


Thelma said...

I completely understand!!! I was sad when Mark lost his teeth. Are they old enough for that?

They get older fast. Today Braeden pulled out a tooth and said, "Does the tooth fairy have cash today?" Such cynicism!

Susie said...

That is sad when your baby looses their first teeth. They grow up so fast, it is really sad. Enjoy every minute though before you know it they are in high school. Cute picture of Asher!

housers said...

Anna-Your family is so big. We miss so darn much of their lives living so far away. Shani hasn't lost any teeth yet, but she's anxiously awaiting!