Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A new dishwasher

"Hey Mom!
My tongue does as good a job as the dishwasher!"
Just by stating that, the boy (and his coworker) earned
a new job in our house!

Anyone wanna join us for dinner,
our dishes are REAL clean!


The Wallace Family said...

Wow - they really are clean-platers! So cute :)

The Fab 4 From Washington said...

Oh yum! We definitely want to join the Crosby family for dinner. But can we request to eat on paper plates? :o}

Anna said...

Sure Cynthia, they can personally 'clean' those too...before the meal!! :)

B Fam said...

What did you make for dinner that was so appetizing they likced their plates clean? The only meals my kids eat completely have to involve hot dogs, macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets!!

Pacefamily said...

That is so funny! I can't wait for you guys to come to my house next week!

With love,
Savannah Pace

carlen said...

those are the cutest dishwashers i have ever seen! but as the germaphobe i am, i'm afraid we will not be able to accept any dinner invites from the crosbys.