Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Winner by Default

We pulled the family together Sunday night for a game of Monopoly. Pookie, not the game player, decided to 'help' be the banker. Sis was excited. The version of Monopoly we have is the 'Millineum' series. It comes with various game pieces that had our animal loving girl jazzed. She quickly swipped up the dog. Being raised with wonderful toys such as Build A Bear and Webkins, this dog had to have it's posse. So, the duration of the game was spent moving Sis's dog around the board with it's accompaning 'extras'. He had his cell phone, flat screen, globe, and bicycle (all other pieces). "That way he won't be bored, especially while he is in jail."

Other than insisting that the dog stay with his 'toys', Sis had no interest in the game. When she rolled the right amount for the 'free parking', which was loaded with cash, she was gone chasing the cat before she even knew any money was coming her way, When she pulled a Community Chest card that said, "Bank error in your favor $200" she was geting a drink. When her hotel laden property bankrupt her mom, she was entertaining Pookie with loud burps. The girl didn't sit in her seat up until it was just her and her dad left. Pressure on. That lasted one minute until her monopolies sucked all the money from the game into her 'pot', making her the winner. But wait, where is sis? Oh, she doesn't even know she won, she is outside getting on her bike...

maybe this is why she couldn't sit still


Thelma said...

This is funny Anna. Family game times are always an adventure. I love seeing pictures of your cute kids that I miss.

Susie said...

This was great to read about your family game times. Sounds kind of like our games we play and Mackenzie can't sit still.