Sunday, November 9, 2008

Whistle gets vetoed...

Obviously, I wasn't meant to pass on to you the more pertinent information of us acquiring the cat as it went to extremely tiny text on the blog. I did want to inform you of the primary reason for getting another pet. MICE. We have rampant breeding of mice going on in our garage. Dave has successfully 'speared' several and caught others in traps. So 'Whistle' was brought in as our reinforcement. Dave, however, has boycotted the new furry pets name. Fervently behind his regard to having a male cat have a male name, especially one that is needed for hunting, thus requiring a change. At dinner tonight we voted on a new name... would it be Cat-a-licous (Macy's language all things end in -a-licous), Killer, Hunter, Vinnie... So introducing...


The mighty mouse slayer

(but he will return to Whistle if proof of his hunting and killing skills don't improve.)


Mara said...

Ooh, Vader...I like it. Dark side and all. Congrats on your new feline. May the force be with the cat and not the mice. :)

Susie said...

I like your cat names you had to vote from. I like that name Vader. Hope he works out and he is a hunter. Also good luck in getting rid of all the mice you have. Yuck!

Mara said...

I think your cat has freaky eyes. But otherwise he looks like Lincoln. From Tanner.

Pacefamily said...

I love the name!! Makes me want to rename our cat. Can you do that after a year of having a "cooper?" Anyway, I love reading about what's going on there in big ole texas. We sure miss you and can't wait to see you at thanksgiving!!